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Casmaran Signs Agnostic Agile Oath
Casmaran has signed the Agnostic Agile Oath ( We are committed to providing our clients with the best possible advice and believe in using the right tool for the job. Although we have areas of specialisation, we do not subscribe to one specific approach but will work to find the most effective approach for our client's business context
Casmaran Website Relaunch
Work has just completed on the new look Casmaran website. Over the coming months, we hope to add more and more content to this site to provide not just an up to date reflection of the ervices we provide, but also a wealth of general information about the work that we carry out. Check back regularly for updates
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Building Development Excellence

The Building Development Excellence course follows on from the (pre-requisite) Foundations of Capability course and introduces students to the practices within CMMI V2.0 that cover development activities. It will teach you how to understand the Development view of the CMMI and apply it to improve the performance and capability of your own engineering or product development processes.

Who should take the course?

This is a general course suitable for anyone interested in improving the performance of their business or organization.

Pre-requisites for this Course

Students looking to take this course must have first successfully completed the Foundations of Capability course. Often the two courses are bundled together.

Course Outline

This course is spread over 11 modules which are delivered over a 1 day period through a combination of lectures, group and individual exercises, and class discussions and activities.
The modules cover the Engineering and Product Development content of the CMMI and encourage students to use the CMMI Model viewer throughout. The course revisits the material introduced in the Foundations of Capability course, but looks at how the practices can help inform proceses specifically in the context of development work.
The course also introduces additional context material that helps to relate the practices of CMMI to agile development processes.
Some of the topics covered during this course include:

What will I get from the course?

As part of this course you will receive:

On successful completion of the course you will receive:

Related Courses

This course follows on from the Foundations of Capability Course. Students wishing to further their understanding of CMMI or wishing to participate in an appraisal team looking at views other than just development may be interested in taking further Building Excellence courses:

Related Links

ISACA Course Outline:

Download a printable Course Outline here.